when did my alternative days begin

when did i start being alternative 

i was in middle school when i started lissoning to the alternative music i was into green day ,and fallout boy i kept it hidin my family wasent very supportive of who i was and only let me watch disney channel which i got tired of very fast i wasent able to go full out alternative till i was a senior in high school for a while i was trying to figure out what i was was i emo or goth not till recetly did i fully discover myself sometimes in life you really have to soul search alot get to know yourself recently i been dressing pastel goth and emo and mixing them together m finally happy with myself and who ive become in october i was full out macob goth to symbolize how i felt i felt so dead inside but once i got through it i decided to add some pastel colors to the mix i fell in love with the pastel goth fashion in a instant 
