what my blog is all about

What my blog is all about 

for the past couple of days i been thinking about opening a blog to write more in depth about my life and my videos that i enjoy so much making for my youtube channel my life is in a very good place now to where i can finally not be so negative and be a positive role model for those who follow me
in my blog i want to write about life experiences my daily life the past and what i hope for the future 
i also would like to make creative post about my modeling pictures and the inspiration behind them
i never thought id be in such a great place in life but with the help of youtube and alot of people in my life like my fiance ive become who ive always hoped to be 

Hope yall are excited to follow me in my adventures

my dream for youtube is to become a strong role model for the mentally ill i want to teach people that
even when living with a disability you can follow your dreams i hope that this blog can also help with that dream someday i hope to reach the goal of being well known and impacting peoples lives just like my life is now impacted in a positive way 
