happy news on my mental health

Celebration time!

i got some amazing news the other day last week my doctor changed my illness evaluation
i am no longer labeled as a schizophrenic i am labeled as having ptsd  so what does this mean for the future it means im gonna be able to get better some day YAY!!!!!
ever since i found out i have been non stop smiling im over the top happy now i have so much more waiting for me in life being able to work in 2 to 3 years being able to be a happier person
being able to follow my dreams of modeling and being an artist and being an even better youtuber and version of myself!

my goals for recovery

#1 become my own rep for disability
#2  with 2 years of therapy ill be moving on 
#3 learn to distance myself form my triggers
#4 learn how to not think about the past and think more on the present 

check out my latest video on the subject !
