todays a sick day yuck

Today's a sick day yuck

this is why i hate winter i know im not the only one that hates it today woke up with a sore throat
but i cant seem to stay away from filming and doin the things i love most people would say take it slow my mind set is push through no matter what if i cant be productive i drive myself insane thats just how ive always been guess sitting around all day just makes me want to scream which i cant cause my throat hurts like hell hoping i can get rid of this stupid throat bug by tuesday so i can sound like my normal self i dont know about yall but i want people to see me doing well and not worry about me thats another reason i chose to keep making content and showing yall im doin ok i dont think ill be outside for most of the winter unless theirs something i have to do doctors etc say hello to being home stuck the only good thing about winter is MY BIRTHDAY  !!!!! ill be turning 22 hoping im not sick then or that be hell i think ill work on some art the rest of the day and chill lissoning to my favorite music and maybe write some more 
