
Showing posts from April, 2018

i feel like my life is just now starting

                     I feel like my life is just now starting is                                                                that weird? Till just recently i never thought like i was living i felt kinda dead to the world and it was the worse feeling then something changed, In November my fiances aunt "Lisa" stepped into my life and became a really big part she so carelingly stepped up and became my representative after i lost my last one this ment the world to me at first i thought she was gonna just be like every other rep i ever had where i just end up getting hurt and mis treated but no shes more like a mother figure she wanted whats best for me tried to actually guide me in the right positions and teach me independence every other rep before her has mis used my money has emotionally abused me and made my illness worse. I am now out of therapy!!! A couple months of her being my rep they put me on MMO. Which if you dont know that means there only giving me med