
Showing posts from February, 2018

my favorites for february 2018

Favorites February 2018 this month has been very eventful my birthday was first week of February and that means many new things for presents so here are my favorite things this month, 1) i got a new pastel pink bag that i adore so much 2) cloths from hot topic including a new leather jacket 2 new tshirts and 2 new pairs of jeans 3) i was also introduced to hard candy cosmetics  TV shows and movies 1) aqua teen hunger force, 2) ponyo 3) my little pony the movie  4) trolls 5) super sentai car ranger 6) batman by gas light i highly recommend all these shows and movies favorite youtube momments my can you be goth and emo video got to over 100 views and my channel is now at 149 subbies come check out my latest video the favorites vlog

can you be goth and emo?

Can You Be Goth And Emo? this week im going to be writing alot about m life in the alternative scene . This subject isent one most alternative people like to talk about i dont  know if its a confidence issue or goths  dont like to talk about it, im the type of person who always has to speak their opinion. My answer to this question is yes you dont have to give up your love of emo music to be part of the goth subculture dont give up things you love just to fit in and dont be afraid to say you like certain things. If your going to hide who you are and what your other interests are where is the fun in being part of a community if you have to hide yourself . i get people have bad confidence in them selves so do i but we need to learn to accept are selves if we want other people to accept us as who we truly are . Hope this post helps some of you alternative people out  check out my video on the subject ...